We consider ourselves as the next generation of entrepreneurs who are dedicated towards building a strong, loyal and a loving community, where above everything else, honesty, talent and innovation are valued. 

Music has been a part of us, our culture and our country, ever since we existed. Music is emotion, expression, passion, meditation. Therefore, by leveraging music, we intend to create a tradition that will last forever.

“Sangraha” means “binding together” and that’s the vision we’ve set for ourselves. this is what we will achieve by working together with a group of people, who share the same vision.

But we are not only going to stop there. We aim to bring together the next generation of musicians, artists, and help them along with their journey.

We will achieve this by implementing numerous practices, that has been long forgotten or never though about. Practices such as Musical competitions, Events, talent hunts, and many more. The whole purpose of this beginning is to find something for everyone to relate and create an environment, where people bring themselves and share their stories, in their own way. 

A mass population of Nepalese people has arrived in Australia, over the years, some are struggling, some are settled, some are in between the dilemma, whether they should stay or go back home, Nepal. however, engagement between those mass people is only restricted to events, parties, birthday’s etc. Therefore, we’ve identified the need for such culture where we can try to motivate people to work on their talents and share with their fellow people. 

Only when you get together you can do good for the society, find different measures to bring change. The dire need for all Nepalese to step-up, no matter where they live, has never been more important. If all of us starts giving even a little time to come together and help each, look for ways to motivate and find solutions, help our country grow, one small step at a time.

We want to do our part and we want all of you to come join us, Because “TOGETHER WE CAN”.