Rules and Regulations:

1. Only Nepalese based bands can enter the competition.

2. 100$ Registration fees.

3. The selected finalists must make their own travel arrangements.

4. Bands accommodations will be managed by the Organizers.

5. Winner will be awarded with 4000 AUD and a music video contract.

Digital Audition Rules:

1. All band members must be visible.

2. Audition tape must be recorded in a studio or home studio.

3. No previous stage performance clip will be accepted for the decision making.

4. Bands must send their videos before the deadline day, failure to do so may result in automatic disqualification.

Main Event Rules:

1. 30 min slot will be provided for each band, including soundcheck. Points will be deducted if any of the bands exceeds allocated time.

2. At least one original song (Nepali) must be performed.

3. Technical problems faced by the bands may also result in point deduction, so make sure all the instruments and gadgets are working at the optimum condition.